Faith Formation
Faith Formation for Children Pre K – 8
Notre Dame Catholic Parish strives to help and guide parishioners of all ages to understand their faith and grow in personal relationship with God.
Our classes meet on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30-6:00 P.M. from September through May.
Our classes are taught by our certified catechists, whose ministry it is to help parents and guardians form their children in the faith. They work hard to ensure that the children of Notre Dame are receiving the very best formation possible. Each of our volunteers has been through the Archdiocese of Denver’s Safe Environment training program.
Parents and guardians are invited to attend classes with their children.
Faith Formation Programs for the First Sacraments
The Faith Formation program includes formation for those in the 3rd grade and up, to receive the sacraments of first reconciliation, confirmation, and first Holy Communion. For more information on this program, please check the Sacramental Preparation page.
Preparing for Your Child’s First Sacraments
The process by which children and teenagers come into full membership in the Catholic Church is known as “OCIC,” (Order of Christian Initiation of Children) and OCIT (Order of Christian Initiation of Teens). OCIC is for children between the ages of 7 and 12. OCIT is for teenagers between the ages of 13-18.
What is necessary for a child to receive the first sacraments?
The sacramental preparation program at Notre Dame Parish is designed to help children receive the preparation they need in order to receive the sacraments of first reconciliation, confirmation, and first Holy Communion.
All children in 3rd grade or above are invited to be prepared for these sacraments.
All children being prepared to receive these sacraments will be spiritually nourished and guided towards being a friend of Jesus Christ through the practice of the Catholic faith.
First Sacraments
Adult Formation
The Paradigm of all Faith Formation
Faith formation is an ongoing, life-long task of a Christian disciple. We are never finished. There is always deeper we can go in our relationship with Christ.
There are opportunities for adult faith formation and catechesis at Notre Dame Parish. These classes include Bible Study during the Advent and Lenten seasons and other classes sponsored by the Archdiocese. Notre Dame has an account on Formed, an online platform featuring the best Catholic content. To sign up at no cost, click on the button below and type in 80219 to find Notre Dame.
If you are seeking Confirmation, please see below “Full Initiation into the Catholic Church.”
Full Initiation into the Catholic Church
Jesus died on the cross that all his followers “may be one” (John 17:21). He invites everyone into the church, and in his name we welcome everyone who comes. The process by which adults come into full membership in the Church is known as “OCIA,” which is short for the “Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.”
For adults seeking the sacrament of confirmation, this process is for you.
Please contact Jim Knowles at 303.742.2351 or jknowles@denvernotredame.org to set up an appointment.
For Whom is the Process?
The unbaptized. The primary focus of the OCIA is on those who are not baptized, not yet Christian, and/or who have not been raised in the Christian faith.
Baptized but unformed Christians. The OCIA process is also for those who have been baptized Catholic or as members of another Christian community but who were not raised and/or formed in the Christian faith.
Those seeking full communion with Jesus in the Catholic Church. These are baptized, practicing Christians from other denominations who seek full communion with the Catholic Church.
OCIA is for people age 19 and above.
Looking to volunteer with OCIA?
Contact Jim Knowles at 303.742.2351 or jknowles@denvernotredame.org for more information and/or to sign up.
Catechist and catechist’s aide — Catechists and aides witness and teach their faith to others, especially helping in our children’s faith formation program. The most important qualities for a catechist to possess are excitement about the faith and a desire to share it with others. Training provided.
Sponsors— We also have a need for others to accompany those joining the church on their faith journey by supporting them along the way.