Get Involved
Getting involved through Notre Dame ministries
Each year in September we celebrate our parish ministries, renew our commitment to service, and look for parishioners to join us anew. We prepare a stewardship booklet that lists varied ministries through which we can journey with one another in community. These opportunities help us to serve as witnesses to Jesus Christ, who came to serve and not to be served.
These opportunities are liturgical and sacramental, prayerful and pastoral, biblical and ecclesiastical, familial and personal — ways in which all parishioners can participate, unite the community, and grow in holiness.

Prayer Ministries
A prayer group that strives to increase devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At meetings, members pray the rosary and discuss writings of its founder, St. Maximillian Kolbe. Members are also invited to stay and make rosaries. Contact Pat Martinez at 720-275-1836.
Members receive an email or text on their cell phone with prayer intentions. With an email address and/or cell phone you can pray each day for your fellow parishioners and others in need. To sign up to be a member of the prayer vine send an email to prayer@denvernotredame.org. To request prayers call 303-742-2341 and leave a recorded message or send an email to prayer@denvernotredame.org.

If interested in serving in one of our liturgical ministries, please contact our parish office at 303.935.3900
Liturgical Ministries
Individuals or families who welcome their fellow Mass-goers coming to Mass and assist with their needs. Greeters/ushers should be of a hospitable disposition and welcoming spirit. They need to be available for Masses (4:00 p.m. Saturday and 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Sunday).
Assist the clergy by preparing for and cleaning up after Mass, setting out and putting away all liturgical objects needed for the liturgy. They must be available for Masses (weekday and weekend) and should arrive at least 30 minutes before Mass to prepare. Training provided.
Assist the priest and deacon at Mass. Servers should be at least in the 5th grade and available to serve Saturday 4:00 p.m. Mass, Sunday Masses at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m., some holy days, and occasional funerals and weddings. Training provided.
Proclaim the sacred scriptures at Mass. Lectors should be at least 16 years old, comfortable with public speaking, and available to lector at the 4 p.m. Saturday and/or the 8 & 10 a.m. Masses on Sunday. An informal “get to know you” audition is required for all new lectors. Training provided.
Assist at Mass with the distribution of Communion. EMOCs must be at least 16 years old, sacramentally confirmed, themselves able to receive communion, and available to minister at Saturday/Sunday Masses. Training provided.
Assist with decorating the church for the principal liturgical seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter). Must love the liturgy and work to enhance the liturgical space. Volunteers are called on an as-needed basis.
Ensure that the church, narthex, and side chapel remain presentable by dusting, vacuuming, and disinfecting these areas.
Clean the linens used to purify the sacred vessels at Mass and other altar cloths/linens. One needs to be able to commit, on a rotating basis, to laundering a week’s worth of soiled linens. Training provided.
Lead the congregation in the singing of the Mass parts, antiphons, and other hymns. Cantors sing with organ and piano accompaniment. A clear and in-tune voice is necessary. Informal audition required. Ability to read music is desired but not required. Training provided if necessary.
Assist in leading the congregation during worship along with the cantor, on an as-needed or regularly scheduled basis. The accompanist should be flexible with sight-reading and improvising and familiar with playing hymns, psalms, Mass settings, and other pieces of sacred music.
Enhance the worship of the community by playing a musical instrument along with the piano/organ accompanist, cantor, and choir. An informal “get to know your playing” audition is required. All instruments are welcome and encouraged!

Administrative Ministries
Help with stuffing envelopes for mailings, stuffing bulletins when needed, and other stuffing, addressing, and folding projects. Liturgy Mass aids are folded weekly. Friday mornings and/or notification will be sent out to the volunteers as needed.
Answer the telephone and door when the permanent receptionist is called to other duties. There may be additional office functions if the volunteer feels comfortable with them. Volunteers can sign up for regular days and times or respond as individual needs occur. Male and female receptionists welcome.
Attend parish events and take pictures to be used on the parish’s social media, including the bulletin, and for historical purposes. Volunteers are called as needed. Contact Laura at lgillette@denvernotredame.org
Count and prepare the weekend offertory collection for deposit. Volunteers meet on Monday mornings from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. (Tuesdays when Monday is a federal holiday).
To find out more and/or to volunteer, contact Micky Bachmann, the Parish Secretary/Office Manager at mbachmann@denvernotredame.org or 303.935.3900.

Faith Formation
Teach the faith to others. They help teach in our children’s faith formation program. The most important characteristic for a catechist is their excitement about the faith and desire to share it with others. Training provided.
Walk with and accompany those in RCIA, the process one goes through to become Catholic, by teaching and supporting them in their faith journey.
Participate in the education of the next generation of Catholics. Over the course of a week Children are taught the foundation of the faith through fun activities, exciting themes, and an atmosphere of friendship. The next Vacation Bible School will be held in June, 2024.
Questions? Looking for another way to get involved in faith formation? Contact Jim Knowles at 303-742-2351 or jknowles@denvernotredame.org to learn more about other volunteer opportunities.

Adult Ministries
Dedicated to promoting and conducting educational, charitable, religious, and social welfare works and rendering mutual aid and assistance to members, families, and the parish community. Knights meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Contact John at jcherrey@gmail.com or 303.941.4092.
SAND is a faith-based community nurturing the spiritual, social, and service needs of senior adults by organizing events and activities. Any parishioner over 55 is welcome to participate. Contact Lisa at 720.217.7919 for further information.
Foster and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Members also assist one another to recognize and respond in their own lives to God’s universal call to holiness. Breakfast meetings are on the first and third Fridays every month at Holy Name Parish. Contact Diane at 303.931.6116 or harryanddi@comcast.net.
The Stitchers is a group of parishioners who share and teach skills such as sewing, crocheting, knitting, quilt making, rosary making, needlepoint, etc. They meet each 3rd Saturday of the month from 9:00-11:00 AM. This group serves others by providing goods to the homeless and refugees, as well as to meet the needs of Notre Dame parishioners. For more information, call the parish office at 303.935.3900.
Help in the cafeteria/library/classroom
Tutor on a weekly basis in math/reading
Assist with marketing and development work
Make a one-time commitment for special events
** All volunteers must complete a volunteer application, grant authorization to do a background check, and complete safe environment training. **
To volunteer in our school, contact either Anita Cook, School Secretary, at acook@notredamedenver.org or Greg Caudle, Principal, at gcaudle@notredamedenver.org. You can also reach either at 303.935.3549.

Outreach and Hospitality
Join parish staff members to help run our new Hospitality Corner. Volunteers greet visitors, hand out parish information, take requests for information, help register parishioners for programs and events, etc. To sign up, please contact Fr. Peter's Ministry Assistant at 303.742.2342 or lgillette@denvernotredame.org.
Help serve refreshments on the fourth Sunday of every month following the 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Masses. Volunteers are needed to procure supplies, set up, serve, and clean up. Contact Laura at 303.935.3900.
Help serve wine and cheese on the fourth Saturday of every month after the 4 pm Mass. Volunteers are needed to procure supplies, set up, serve, and clean up. Contact George and Kathe Wiggins at 720-724-0663.
Strives to cultivate a vibrant culture of life by upholding the dignity of every human person. So as to recognize Christ in everyone’s face, we educate, support, and are in solidarity with those in our community facing life’s challenges. We currently meet every 2nd Tuesday at 10:00 am in the Ministry Center to plan material needs, drives, and events that benefit others. Contact Tina at notredamerespectlife@gmail.com.
Pray with and take Communion to those recovering from illness/surgery, the elderly, infirmed, or homebound. Ministers commit to serving on a particular day to a particular person. Training is provided. Contact Deacon Phil at pmcnulty@denvernotredame.org
Notre Dame strives to answer God's call to serve the poor. We host monthly or seasonal drives to collect items needed by the poor in our community. These items include warm clothing, school supplies, toiletries, undergarments, diapers and wipes, and food.
Occasionally, volunteers are needed to help sort through and organize donations. Volunteers are also needed after weekend Masses to transfer donations from the church's vestibule to the sorting room.
To sign up to volunteer, please contact Laura at 303.742.2343 or lgillette@denvernotredame.org.